Seed Catalogs are here. Now is a great time to begin dreaming about vegetable gardening. As I flip through the pages of my catalogs I find myself envisioning a diagram of my garden and begin visualizing where I'm going to rotate my crops for the oncoming season. Also, now is a good time to read up on new varieties and place your order - most companies offer coupons as an incentive for early orders. Good luck - gardening season is just around the corner.
Notes From the Author
I hope to use this blog as a diary of sorts, in order to document my quest of perfecting my skills. Areas that I am particularly fond of include: photography, gardening, cooking - baking -canning, painting - sketching and of course writing. Like so many others, the word 'perfection' haunts me. I strive to reach it daily not truly knowing what it is or how to achieve it. Yet, I won't settle for less. Here is my blog showing my struggles and my hopeful successes. I don't need to be perfect but I must try to ascertain it.