Notes From the Author

I hope to use this blog as a diary of sorts, in order to document my quest of perfecting my skills. Areas that I am particularly fond of include: photography, gardening, cooking - baking -canning, painting - sketching and of course writing. Like so many others, the word 'perfection' haunts me. I strive to reach it daily not truly knowing what it is or how to achieve it. Yet, I won't settle for less. Here is my blog showing my struggles and my hopeful successes. I don't need to be perfect but I must try to ascertain it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Feels Like Fall

The weather was cooler today reminding me of fall.  Whenever the seasons change, I feel like I need to change - to migrate or something.  And lately I've been pondering my place in life.  My whole life I've been working towards goals - complete elementary school - graduate high school - earn a bachelors degree - find a good job - start a family.  What's left?  Retirement?  I have too much life to live before I start planning that journey.  I guess that leaves me with my dreams of writing - I need to become more serious and create time for myself.  I know it sounds cliche but life is flying past and I feel like I'm a passenger peering out a bus window.  I'm only receiving glimpses of the world instead of being able to interact - take charge - play a role. My husband thinks that finding a different job would help - possibly free up time and allow me more life with my love ones but I've already cut my hours at my current job and though that has helped my sanity - I still am not able to achieve much beyond the day-to-day routine.

At least the changing season has sparked me past my creative slump and hopefully that is all I will need to get motivated again.