Notes From the Author

I hope to use this blog as a diary of sorts, in order to document my quest of perfecting my skills. Areas that I am particularly fond of include: photography, gardening, cooking - baking -canning, painting - sketching and of course writing. Like so many others, the word 'perfection' haunts me. I strive to reach it daily not truly knowing what it is or how to achieve it. Yet, I won't settle for less. Here is my blog showing my struggles and my hopeful successes. I don't need to be perfect but I must try to ascertain it.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Giving Thanks

I should be writing; I should be writing a novel.  At least that is what I'd planned on doing when I signed up for this year's NaNoWriMo but with only today and tomorrow left to finish my novel, my plans are quickly evaporating.

Once again my busy life has squashed my plans for writing but I am thankful.  "Life is long" is the advice I'd overheard a parent telling his adolescent daughter.  And he is right.  This moment will fade into the next leaving only shadows of memories. 

This month may not have been spent completing my sequel but it was not wasted.  Time spent with family and friends is an invaluable gift and after spending an evening with my 91 year old grandmother, I was reminded how long life is.  This busy phase will pass.  Children grow up.  Time returns to us in the end.